S.O.D. এর Kill Yourself এর মতো গান
50 গান, 2 ঘন্টা 31 মিনিট সময়ের অনুরূপ গান, উপভোগ করুন!- Kill YourselfS.O.D.3:50
- Speak English or DieS.O.D.2:25
- United ForcesS.O.D.1:53
- ThrashardD.R.I.3:40
- S.M.D.Carnivore2:27
- You’re Cut OffMunicipal Waste1:14
- Beneath The WheelD.R.I.5:36
- Unleash the BastardsMunicipal Waste1:57
- Live, Suffer, DieNuclear Assault1:07
- Angry Neurotic CatholicsCarnivore2:48
- LowlifeCryptic Slaughter2:32
- SinNuclear Assault3:22
- TombstoneSodom3:56
- Surf NicaraguaSacred Reich4:40
- Cycle of ViolenceIron Reagan1:37
- Mussolini MoshGama Bomb1:13
- Bombs of DeathHirax1:48
- Black Metal SucksLich King3:09
- Last Man AliveWhiplash3:31
- Death SquadSacred Reich4:25
- Stage DiveWhiplash3:10
- Ordered To ThrashViolator2:55
- Lock Up Your ChildrenMorbid Saint3:31
- Napalm in the Morning (2021 - Remaster)Sodom5:57
- M.A.D.Cryptic Slaughter1:25
- .44 Caliber Brain SurgeryDemolition Hammer4:28
- Possessed To SkateSuicidal Tendencies2:34
- The Burning of SodomDark Angel3:14
আমাদের উন্নত করতে সাহায্য করুন