Songs similar to Carry Lucky by FAKE TYPE.
50 songs, 3 h 1 minutes of similar songs, enjoy!- Carry LuckyFAKE TYPE.2:34
- 同じ夜daoko5:40
- HyperdontiaCreepP4:39
- Want to Disappeartakayan1:32
- い~やい~やい~やNeru3:34
- Devil's WeddingFAKE TYPE.4:41
- At AtelierFAKE TYPE.3:15
- sad but sweetGesu No Kiwami Otome5:44
- VIORAReol3:43
- ゴーゴー幽霊船米津玄師3:50
- ロストワンの号哭Neru3:34
- Kruel KreatorTOPHAMHAT-KYO3:16
- Princess♂TOPHAMHAT-KYO2:55
- Demondice Wa...DEMONDICE2:40
- ReflectionDyes Iwasaki3:19
- Konton Boogiejon-YAKITORY2:34
- AlkatrazDEMONDICE3:35
- Pinkmaretu3:43
- Paparazzi Murder PartyVane Lily3:13
- Those Who Carried OnGhost and Pals3:45
- Perfectly SweetVane Lily4:00
- 聖槍爆裂ボーイれるりり&もじゃ(大柴広己)3:26
- Fruiting BodiesRiproducer3:56
- Apple dot compinocchioP3:25
- NAMIDAmaretu4:04
- コノヨLoading...Reol3:26
- Cut the Act (Everything Ruined in Moments)Ghost and Pals2:29
- Bop ItCreepP3:14